
Gabler installs first M&R i-Image in Europe

In the previous editition of Stitch & Print International, Issue 3-2015, there was a mistake in the article ‘Sprint invests millions’. 

m_r-i-image-ste (Large)In the paragraph about ‘M&R Computer-To-Screen’ is mentioned that the Romanian company Sprint made a major effort in an automated pre-press workflow with the i-Image STE Computer-To-Screen (CTS) facilities. “We were the first in Euroepe with M&R and CTS and have done many tests.”

The German company Gabler Druck- und Werbetechnikbedarf GmbH has stated in a comment that the first M&R i-Image was installed by a customer of Gabler near Stuttgart, Germany, last year after the TV TecStyle Visions show. “Since then we installed four more i-Image STE in Germany, a fifth will follow soon.”

Gabler has created the website There you can find all relevant information about this machine.