
Workshop: Functional Threads

Functional Threads is the topic of the TITV Workshop ‘Fadenbeschichtung – Basis für Textilien mit Funktion’ (Thread coating – Basis for textiles with functions) that will be held by the TITV Greiz, Germany on Thursday 18 October 2012.

Threads that satisfy the highest demands are critical for producing functional technical textiles. There are many applications, from medicine through sports and safety to reinforcement textiles for composites in automotive and aerospace applications. Equally diverse are the requirements in terms of the product properties of the necessary threads. In order to come up with these requirements and to fulfil the economic challenges it is necessary to develop the production processes for such threads further.

Thread coating is an effective and versatile process for adding functions such as conductivity and sensory functions. Furthermore, it is possible to apply layers, for example with antimicrobial or flame-resistant properties or UV protection. With the direct modification of the thread it is possible to achieve effects right there, where they are needed. This makes it possible to configure multiple properties that fulfil individual requirements.

During the workshop, speakers from the industry and the field of applied development will present innovative processes, materials and applications of functional threads.