Poli-Tape launches the Poliflex 4950 Blackboard, a flex film for textiles with the same characteristics as a blackboard.
Poli-Tape Blackboard Flex
The black flex with the specifically designed PU surface can be lettered with chalk after the application and subsequently the applied chalk can easily be wiped off completely with a wet cloth. The individualization of textiles is the core task of each flex and flock film. With the Poliflex 4950 Blackboard the individualization is more flexible than ever and consistently alterable. Thereby the product offers totally new possibilities for children and adolescents, and also for game and fun, at seminars or free time events.
Turbo Hotmelt
The Blackboard Flex is equipped with Turbo Hotmelt, this hotmelt technology allows a pressing onto textiles at only 130 °C with a duration of 5 seconds. The film is not only quickly applied, due to its low temperature and short pressing time but it can also be applied onto sensitive high-tech-textiles or nylon.