Fespa has recently announced that it will expand the global reach of its long-running Planet Friendly Printing initiatives.
Since 2007 Fespa has published the Planet Friendly Printing Guide which interprets and distils the myriad regulations and certification schemes pertaining to environmental best practice for printers and offers detailed advice on environmental management. The Planet Friendly Printing Guide has been updated several times each year since its first publication in 2007 – which gives an indication of how swiftly things have moved within the sphere of sustainability.
To date, the Planet Friendly Printing Guide has only been available to members of Fespa’s 37 member associations. The latest version of the guide will remain exclusive to members; however, in recognition that sustainability is a pressing issue for all printers, Fespa will make an abridged version of the guide available to non-member printers around the world.
Presentations on sustainability from global experts, certified sustainable printers, suppliers to the PSP community, and its customers and brand owners are now available to all without charge on fespa.com.
Fespa Digital 2012 will see a comprehensive Planet Friendly Printing programme.
All these resources are available to printer’s free-of-charge at Fespa Digital 2012 in Barcelona from February 21-24, 2012. Look out for the dates of Planet Friendly Printing webinars on FESPA.com soon, as well as the ‘ask the expert’ facility.