T.One by TheMagicTouch is the brand new high-tech Transfer Paper to decorate white or light to medium coloured garment with no coating film window outside the image area
An OKI White Toner printer would be required once the artwork has white or very light half tones included. Three to five seconds application speed at 140°C plus 10 to 15 seconds seal makes T.One a very fast 'self-weeding' single step image transfer paper. Using SpaceControl3 print utility software allows to apply different levels of white toner backing for coloured garment decoration achieving a very good white opacity.
Introducing RST9.1, the new Transfer Paper by TheMagicTouch for non-fabric products and substrates. Especially for more rough and soft surfaces like untreated wood, cork and the like where the CPM film tends to stick on. Available in Boxes of 50 sheets two Application Sponges.