Kornit Digital LTD. announced Amaze Software, Inc., parent company of the Amaze, Spring, and Outfts platforms has selected KornitX Workflow Solutions and Kornit MAX digital on- demand fabric and textile decoration technologies as the platform to deliver their vision.
Kornit’s Global Fulfillment Network helps companies such as Amaze Software connect creators with high-quality garment and textile production fulfillers across the globe. The platform is backed by the X workflow engine, seamlessly integrating across MAX technology- based fabric and textile decoration systems for end-to-end production, visibility, and control.
No limitations
“The social commerce market is growing rapidly, but creators struggle to capitalize on delivering branded products, as typical production cannot meet the expectations of brands and consumers for greater sustainability, creativity, agility, and market reactivity. Our flexible Global Fulfillment Network and proven on-demand digital textile technologies are designed to tackle those complexities,” said Ronen Samuel, Chief Executive Officer at Kornit Digital. “Combined with Amaze’s significant market reach and focus on creators, we’re enabling branded collections to be delivered without production limitations, wasted inventory, or minimum order requirements – connecting with fans in-market to build tomorrow’s brands while driving price-competitive revenue opportunities.”
Amaze Software’s Spring platform is important for social commerce and changes the way creators monetize content and engage with their fans and can be seamless integrated across renowned social platforms including Instagram, TikTok Shops, Twitch, and more. The platform offers the opportunity for fans to conveniently make purchases directly from where they consume the creator’s content. This allows creators to significantly enhance engagement and cultivate a more profound brand presence. The user-friendly experience and no cost of entry attracts many aspiring creators to join the platform daily, further fueling its exponential growth.
“There are more creators on social platforms than ever before. Our vision is to translate these voices into enduring brands by allowing virtually anyone to create and capitalize on their ideas,” said Aaron Day, Chief Executive Officer at Amaze. “Kornit is key to making this possible, allowing us to enter new markets faster, offering better fan experiences and remaining nimble in this ever- changing market.”
For more details on Kornit’s ability to link creators with high quality global production, please see watch the latest on KornitX in action. To see how the Amaze Creator Commerce Platform can accelerate your business, please see the latest blog.